A record-breaking 500,000 people have signed up to the Veganuary challenge to eat only plant-based foods for a month. To put that into context, that number is double the number who pledged to go vegan for January in 2019.

We have Brighton’s largest range of vegan products all in one place. But what exactly is veganism?
Veganism is often defined by what isn’t consumes: meat, fish, eggs and dairy, plus some of the animal ingredients that are hidden away in products, such as whey (from milk) and gelatine (from animal bones) and then other animal products leather, fur and feathers are also completely avoided.
But really, we should focus on all the great stuff that vegans do eat. And in reality, the difference isn’t all that huge. Instead of meaty burgers, sausage and steaks, we eat plant-based versions, Of which we have an extensive range in store including our freshly baked sausage rolls. Instead of dairy cheese on a pizza or cows’ milk in our coffee, we choose the plant-based versions violife and vegan applewood are our top pick for melty cheese and minor figures and Glebe farm being our favourites in tea and coffee. For almost every animal-derived ingredient and product, there is now a vegan alternative, and this means that a vegan’s meal may look and taste exactly like any other meal, it just doesn’t come with the animal suffering or the same environmental impact.
There are so many everyday foods that just happen to be vegan! Pasta, rice, peanut butter and Yeast Extract, bread, tinned tomatoes, chickpeas and kidney beans, jam and marmalade, coconut milk, curry pastes, tomato puree, baked beans, many crisps, crackers and biscuits, herbs and spices, even most gravy granules! Tea, coffee and fruit juice… Oh, and of course all fresh fruit and vegetables.
There is a good chance that over half the foods you already eat are vegan!
Therefore, there is no need to reinvent your whole eating habits. If you like a sausage sandwich, have one – just make sure the sausages are vegan. If you want ice cream, go ahead and grab some Booja-Booja. You can have almost everything you had before in a vegan version, so just switch like for like. We have everything you need in-store and also available on Click it local for home delivery.
Remember to be kind to yourself, everyone makes mistakes. Whether you ate something non-vegan accidentally or simply gave in to temptation, it’s OK. It doesn’t mean you are no longer vegan; it just means you are human! Remind ourself of the reasons why you started this journey and jump back on the bandwagon.
If you want to try being vegan and taking the 31-day challenge sign up today and come and check out what’s on our shelves.
To read our other Blog posts on Veganuary including a vegan cheese guide, click here