Biting Through



Why is fruit and veg so expensive this year?

Since Brexit, the skilled seasonal fruit and vegetable pickers have found it very difficult and not being invited to come to the UK, which resulted in £60m worth of crops rotting in the ground due to a lack of workers according to the National Farmers Union. With last year’s waste, high energy bills and increasingly…

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Celebrating our coop members

  Worker co-operatives are like any other business. However, unlike conventional businesses its Members (workers) contribute equitably to and democratically control, the finances and everyday decisions of their co-operative. Members decide how to use surpluses (profits), ensuring their worker co-operative provides the pay and other benefits that members need and want, managing the business to…

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We donated a shed

Supporting the community is at the heart of our values, which is why we are proud to have donated a shed to Brighton and Hove Organic Gardening Group (BHOGG). We hope this will help them with the great work they do in our shared community. BHOGG is a not-for-profit community organisation, supporting the organic cause…

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2018 International Day of Cooperatives

2018 international day of cooperatives is led by the United Nations and end Cooperative fortnight on the 7th of July.  That’s a lot of cooperation! Cooperatives have sustainability in their DNA, with ‘concern for the community’ as the seventh of their guiding principles. That is why this year we are celebrating the great work that…

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Mothers day

Mother’s day isn’t just about your mother, it might be about your partner who is a mum, or yourself, or someone you know who is a mum. Motherhood is a very complex role in life. I have wanted to be a mother since I was in my mid twenties but due to many factors I…

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seedy sunday 2018


Why is Seedy Sunday Important?

  Infinity Foods is proud to sponsor Seedy Sunday for another year. This Sunday, 4th of February (10:30 – 16:00) sees the UK’s largest community seed swap coming back to Brighton & Hove, at BHASVIC (205 Dyke Road, Hove BN3 6EG). Seedy Sunday was started in 2002 and was the first seed swap in Britain. Seed saving…

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Organic September at Infinity Foods

Every year in September, the soil association, who are responsible for the month long campaign, promote what we know as, ‘Organic September’. It’s aimed to bring more awareness to everyone about the importance of eating organic. Not only is organic better for us and our health, it greatly benefits the planet, farmers and wildlife. We…

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