
Tackling Shoplifting at Infinity Foods

By: George

Shoplifting is on the rise across the UK, and it’s impacting our co-operative, which is run and jointly owned by us — your dedicated workers.

Since 1971, we’ve been committed to healthy, well-grown food, but the increase in shoplifting poses a challenge that directly affects our worker-owned cooperative. Each stolen item no matter how small impacts our income, pay, and ability to support community initiatives. Every time someone takes without paying, it hits all of us. We’re all in this together, and we deeply appreciate your vigilance and support in keeping our shop secure.

Some customers feel “entitled” to steal from us because they shop with us regularly. This is what the Community Card is for, it’s our way of saying thanks and giving back to you. If caught stealing you will be banned from holding a card for life and may be banned from the shop.

The Impact on Our Cooperative

When theft happens, it puts a direct strain on our income and pay. Large losses hinder our ability to support our community initiatives, limiting our capacity to contribute to local charities and food banks. Each stolen item not only represents a financial loss but also a missed opportunity to support local farmers and producers who rely on our fair trade and supply practices. Our mission to provide high-quality, organic, and ethically sourced products becomes harder to sustain under these conditions.

Our Security Measures

To combat this growing issue, we’ve made further investments in security. Our shop is equipped with excellent CCTV, a dedicated security team, and a shop detective. Despite these measures, the workload for our security personnel has increased significantly in recent years, prompting us to allocate even more resources to protect our cooperative. We also collaborate with Brilliant Brighton (Brighton Business Improvement District or BID), a not-for-profit organization of 517 businesses within Brighton city centre. Together, we strive to make Brighton a fantastic place to work, live, and visit. To find out more about BID please visit Brilliant Brighton.

ShopKind Initiative

Every day, more than 400 retail workers are attacked – just for doing their jobs. Shopworkers like our members provide an essential public service, feeding our local community. But their role goes beyond this. From alcohol to knives, there are over 50 types of products restricted by law. It’s the staff on the shop floor who enforce these laws and too often pay the price through violence, threats, and verbal and physical abuse.

To address this, we’ve integrated the ShopKind campaign into our efforts. ShopKind unites the retail sector to tackle violence and abuse against shopworkers by encouraging positive behaviours in shops and acknowledging the important role of shopworkers. This initiative highlights the scale and impact of violence and abuse against shopworkers, promoting a safer and more respectful environment for everyone.

Community Engagement

we believe in addressing the root causes of shoplifting. When we catch individuals stealing food, we direct them to local services and advice, including food banks. By offering help instead of harsh penalties, we aim to reduce theft driven by necessity and support those in need. And where appropriate a ban is issued.

Our cooperative thrives on community support, and we understand that creating a safer, more inclusive environment benefits everyone. By working with BID and engaging with local initiatives, we hope to reduce shoplifting and promote a sense of shared responsibility among all Brighton residents.

Join Us in Chipping Away at Change

Old’s cool after all. Spuds with mud on them. Heirloom tomatoes. Proper bread. Fair prices. A friendly face. Decent chat. These traditions are worth preserving, and we need your help to keep them going.

You can do your bit to help tackle shoplifting by helping our staff, we often waste time watching people putting items into their bags or under buggies before buying them. It is fair to our members to assume that if you are concealing items, you will not pay for them. This means we aren’t watching out for real shoplifters. So we advise you to take a basket, put all items on the checkout counter and shop kind.

Join us in chipping away at change by signing up to the community card, helping you and others in your community to save money on their shopping.