With biodiversity and soil quality on the decrease along with pesticides and plastics entering our food chain, small scale food and plant growing couldn’t be more important.
Insects and butterflies have been on the decline for well over four decades, as is the soil quality of the planet degrading.
On this sad note there is hope on the horizon. With more and more people wanting to grow their own, allotments are flourishing and organic, pesticide-free growing is on the rise. With Brighton being a hub of keen gardeners/allotment growers for food, plants and getting outside, these places not only give you the opportunity to grow your own food but act as important wildlife havens for insects and other animals & birds in an ever increasing urban area.
So all the more reason to go to Seedy Sunday! Held each year at BHASVIC in Hove, this event is a wealth of information, seed swapping, talks, stalls and general enthusiasm for growing things!
It’s a backlash against intensive growing, putting the power to save and grow plants straight into your hands. Here you can bring your seeds collected from your garden or allotment and swap them for others (or pay 50p per packet if you haven’t saved any)! Collect your envelopes from our shop in Brighton for free.
The date for your diary is Feb 4th this year, so be radical and start growing something!
For more info go to seedysunday.org.