I’m always more than happy to try new products, especially when they are coconut based. These is something about this magical fruit that makes pretty much everyone happy. Coconut oil, butter, water, milk, chips…is there anything coconut can’t be? I doubt it.

These new snacks by company Ape, are so delicious, they are certainly on to a winner. Inspired by his mum’s throw-together coconut snacks she made at home, Zach knew right away that they were something special and wanted to find a way for more people to have healthy, tasty snacks.

We’ve just started stocking these crunchy bites in both chia and sesame seed varieties. With just four real ingredients you know what you’re eating, but until you try them, you’ve got no idea what you’re in for! I knew I would probably like these, but they really blew me away. They are deliciously crunchy and crispy when you bite into them, but so creamy in texture at the same time that they almost melt in your mouth. The rich coconut flavour is enhanced by the perfect amount of sea salt so they don’t actually taste salty, just really coconutty! There is no sugar, although they are slightly sweet in flavour, and they are vegan and gluten-free. With less than 150 calories of natural ingredients per bag, its a treat you can enjoy without feeling guilty (unless you eat 4 or 5 bags which could very well be tempting and easy to do!) We currently have them available on our new product stand in the shop.