This Monday is a Bank Holiday – May Day.
We’re open 9.30am to 5pm in the heart of Brighton’s North Laine this Monday bank holiday.
It’s the start of Brighton Festival, Fringe festival on the 6th of May and all sorts of great things to make the city come alive for the start of the better weather (or so we hope!).
May Day is also a traditional bank holiday, it has a few different connotations such as the start of spring and traditional village activities such as May pole dancing and of course Morris dancing! It also has workers rights involved when it was recognised as labour day. All of these traditions are close to our hearts here at Infinity. We love spring and the start of new growth in growing organic foods for your tables to enjoy, we have a few Morris dancers in our midst, some even champions.
Being a workers co-operative where our business is owned and run democratically by us – the workers – Labour day and May Day is very close to our hearts. So let’s celebrate!